Service Families


Children of Service Families

Around 85% of the children at Digby the Tedder are from Service families, many stationed at RAF Digby. The team at Digby Tedder are very experienced at helping families who are transferring to the area, often at short notice. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the earliest opportunity so that we can do our very best to ensure a smooth transition for your child.

Most children settle into life at Digby the Tedder quickly and take it in their stride; making friends easily.  All new children are assigned a ‘buddy’ when they start to help them settle in.  The buddy system is designed to make a child’s transition as smooth as possible.  Mrs Crawshaw or a dedicated member of the team meets with all service children within their first week for an informal chat about how they are feeling about their new school and the changes that have occurred.  All effort is made to find out how friendships are developing and how children are managing with their change in daily routine.  Extra support, where necessary, is given during this early stage of transition to a new setting.


Service Families Support Assistants and Induction at Digby the Tedder

What is induction?

The process that we put in place to welcome and support your child as they start at Digby Tedder Primary School.  Our TAs work as Service Families Support Assistants to help the transition. 

How does the Induction process work?

  •         During the first week that your child starts school, the TA (SFSA) will have an informal chat with them about how they are feeling about their new school. 
  •         All staff will check that they are making friends and feeling happy.  All new children are assigned a ‘buddy’ in their class to help them settle in.
  •         The majority of children settle very quickly into school life.  Preparing them for learning within their class is very important. 
  •         Should there be concerns about a child’ learning, we undertake reading, spelling and maths assessments to ensure that they are given the appropriate support to further their learning.

How do we support children with additional needs?

  •         Staff will speak to the SENDCO and a record of concern may be raised.  If the child continues to experience difficulties in any area, the support of additional services may be sought.  A child may be placed on the SEND register and given an IEP (Individual Education Plan).  This will identify where additional interventions may be needed through academic or pastoral interventions.

How do we support children when they move schools?

  •         Contact the current school or next school, to arrange a zoom call and meet class teachers if they wish.
  •        Make contact with the school to see if there are any necessary transitional preparations needed.
  •         Ensure that we have access to the previous school’s records so that we know as much as possible about the child.
  •         Ensure a buddy is appointed.
  •         Check in with the child during the first week to make sure everything is OK.
  •         Check in with parents to ensure the transition is working well.
  •         Complete an All About Me sheet to give us further information, once they have settled.
  •         Contact parents when children have left to see if the child has settled in the new school.
  •         Contact new school if possible to see how the child has settled and if there are any difficulties we could help with. 

How can parents help?

  •        Please let us know if there are any factors which may affect your child
  •         Please let us know if a parent or carer is due to be away or is returning home. 
  • Please feel welcome to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. 


Links - Please click to open 

Applying for School Places in Lincolnshire -

Handbook for parents of Service Children in State Schools -

Service Children's Education (SCE) is an Agency of the MOD and is dedicated to the education of the children of Service families and MOD personnel serving outside of the United Kingdom -

Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS) - Children's Education Advisory Service is a Tr- Service organisation funded by the MOD.  It was established to provide information and support to Service families and eligible MOD civillians on all aspects of the education of their children in the UK and overseas. -

SSAFA provide support for the serving men and women in today's Armed Forces and for those who have served - even if it wass only for a single day.  They also care for their families and dependants.

Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting all children with parents serving in the British Armed Forces, regular or reserve.  We provide fundamental resources, initiatives and events to ease and aid repeated seperation periods aiming to keep parent and child connected and bonded even when miles apart -

MOD Information -

Families Federation - RAF Families Federation -

Families Federation - Naval Families Federation -

Families Federation - Army Families Federation -

Royal British Region - Support for Service Children -

Service Children in State Schools - The voice of Schools - Supporting Service Children in England -

RAFA Kidz - Nursery and Wraparound care on RAF Digby -

service_families_on_the_move.pdf .pdf
my_life_has_changed_extracts_for_mod_work.pdf .pdf
parental-absence-resource.pdf .pdf
RBL_Education_guide_A5_web-17_10_25.pdf .pdf
Service TA.pdf .pdf

Service Families


Children of Service Families

Around 85% of the children at Digby the Tedder are from Service families, many stationed at RAF Digby. The team at Digby Tedder are very experienced at helping families who are transferring to the area, often at short notice. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the earliest opportunity so that we can do our very best to ensure a smooth transition for your child.

Most children settle into life at Digby the Tedder quickly and take it in their stride; making friends easily.  All new children are assigned a ‘buddy’ when they start to help them settle in.  The buddy system is designed to make a child’s transition as smooth as possible.  Mrs Crawshaw or a dedicated member of the team meets with all service children within their first week for an informal chat about how they are feeling about their new school and the changes that have occurred.  All effort is made to find out how friendships are developing and how children are managing with their change in daily routine.  Extra support, where necessary, is given during this early stage of transition to a new setting.


Service Families Support Assistants and Induction at Digby the Tedder

What is induction?

The process that we put in place to welcome and support your child as they start at Digby Tedder Primary School.  Our TAs work as Service Families Support Assistants to help the transition. 

How does the Induction process work?

  •         During the first week that your child starts school, the TA (SFSA) will have an informal chat with them about how they are feeling about their new school. 
  •         All staff will check that they are making friends and feeling happy.  All new children are assigned a ‘buddy’ in their class to help them settle in.
  •         The majority of children settle very quickly into school life.  Preparing them for learning within their class is very important. 
  •         Should there be concerns about a child’ learning, we undertake reading, spelling and maths assessments to ensure that they are given the appropriate support to further their learning.

How do we support children with additional needs?

  •         Staff will speak to the SENDCO and a record of concern may be raised.  If the child continues to experience difficulties in any area, the support of additional services may be sought.  A child may be placed on the SEND register and given an IEP (Individual Education Plan).  This will identify where additional interventions may be needed through academic or pastoral interventions.

How do we support children when they move schools?

  •         Contact the current school or next school, to arrange a zoom call and meet class teachers if they wish.
  •        Make contact with the school to see if there are any necessary transitional preparations needed.
  •         Ensure that we have access to the previous school’s records so that we know as much as possible about the child.
  •         Ensure a buddy is appointed.
  •         Check in with the child during the first week to make sure everything is OK.
  •         Check in with parents to ensure the transition is working well.
  •         Complete an All About Me sheet to give us further information, once they have settled.
  •         Contact parents when children have left to see if the child has settled in the new school.
  •         Contact new school if possible to see how the child has settled and if there are any difficulties we could help with. 

How can parents help?

  •        Please let us know if there are any factors which may affect your child
  •         Please let us know if a parent or carer is due to be away or is returning home. 
  • Please feel welcome to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. 


Links - Please click to open 

Applying for School Places in Lincolnshire -

Handbook for parents of Service Children in State Schools -

Service Children's Education (SCE) is an Agency of the MOD and is dedicated to the education of the children of Service families and MOD personnel serving outside of the United Kingdom -

Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS) - Children's Education Advisory Service is a Tr- Service organisation funded by the MOD.  It was established to provide information and support to Service families and eligible MOD civillians on all aspects of the education of their children in the UK and overseas. -

SSAFA provide support for the serving men and women in today's Armed Forces and for those who have served - even if it wass only for a single day.  They also care for their families and dependants.

Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting all children with parents serving in the British Armed Forces, regular or reserve.  We provide fundamental resources, initiatives and events to ease and aid repeated seperation periods aiming to keep parent and child connected and bonded even when miles apart -

MOD Information -

Families Federation - RAF Families Federation -

Families Federation - Naval Families Federation -

Families Federation - Army Families Federation -

Royal British Region - Support for Service Children -

Service Children in State Schools - The voice of Schools - Supporting Service Children in England -

RAFA Kidz - Nursery and Wraparound care on RAF Digby -

service_families_on_the_move.pdf .pdf
my_life_has_changed_extracts_for_mod_work.pdf .pdf
parental-absence-resource.pdf .pdf
RBL_Education_guide_A5_web-17_10_25.pdf .pdf
Service TA.pdf .pdf