Equality and Diversity 


Equality Statement of Duty and Equality Objectives

as required by the Equality Act 2010 

Mission Statement

Our Mission

To provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment, where children are valued, supported and enabled to reach their full potential and go on to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Our Aims for the Children

To ensure they develop self-esteem and high aspirations.

  • To provide a curriculum which engages and challenges them.
  • To develop enquiring minds and a thirst for learning.
  • To foster high expectations for each child.
  • To provide equal opportunities for all.
  • To help them develop a secure moral code.
  • To build strong relationships with parents and the wider community. 


Our specific duties are to promote the awareness of equality, in accordance with the Protected Characteristics in the Equality Act 2010. These are:-

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

We have two Specific Duties under the 2010 Equality Act:

  • To publish information to demonstrate our compliance with the general duty to promote equality
  • To prepare and publish one or more equality objectives
  • Our objectives for the Academic Year of 23/24 period are:
  •  Identify any inequality in relation to gender within progress and consider steps to address this.
  • Identify any gaps in British Values knowledge and understanding
  • Identify through PSHE curriculum where the protected characteristics are taught and how they are understood at a relevant level by the children
  • Identify any inequalities in extra curricular opportunities amongst vulnerable children   
Equality Policy.pdf .pdf

Equality and Diversity 


Equality Statement of Duty and Equality Objectives

as required by the Equality Act 2010 

Mission Statement

Our Mission

To provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment, where children are valued, supported and enabled to reach their full potential and go on to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Our Aims for the Children

To ensure they develop self-esteem and high aspirations.

  • To provide a curriculum which engages and challenges them.
  • To develop enquiring minds and a thirst for learning.
  • To foster high expectations for each child.
  • To provide equal opportunities for all.
  • To help them develop a secure moral code.
  • To build strong relationships with parents and the wider community. 


Our specific duties are to promote the awareness of equality, in accordance with the Protected Characteristics in the Equality Act 2010. These are:-

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

We have two Specific Duties under the 2010 Equality Act:

  • To publish information to demonstrate our compliance with the general duty to promote equality
  • To prepare and publish one or more equality objectives
  • Our objectives for the Academic Year of 23/24 period are:
  •  Identify any inequality in relation to gender within progress and consider steps to address this.
  • Identify any gaps in British Values knowledge and understanding
  • Identify through PSHE curriculum where the protected characteristics are taught and how they are understood at a relevant level by the children
  • Identify any inequalities in extra curricular opportunities amongst vulnerable children   
Equality Policy.pdf .pdf

Equality and Diversity 


Equality Statement of Duty and Equality Objectives

as required by the Equality Act 2010 

Mission Statement

Our Mission

To provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment, where children are valued, supported and enabled to reach their full potential and go on to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Our Aims for the Children

To ensure they develop self-esteem and high aspirations.

  • To provide a curriculum which engages and challenges them.
  • To develop enquiring minds and a thirst for learning.
  • To foster high expectations for each child.
  • To provide equal opportunities for all.
  • To help them develop a secure moral code.
  • To build strong relationships with parents and the wider community. 


Our specific duties are to promote the awareness of equality, in accordance with the Protected Characteristics in the Equality Act 2010. These are:-

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

We have two Specific Duties under the 2010 Equality Act:

  • To publish information to demonstrate our compliance with the general duty to promote equality
  • To prepare and publish one or more equality objectives
  • Our objectives for the Academic Year of 23/24 period are:
  •  Identify any inequality in relation to gender within progress and consider steps to address this.
  • Identify any gaps in British Values knowledge and understanding
  • Identify through PSHE curriculum where the protected characteristics are taught and how they are understood at a relevant level by the children
  • Identify any inequalities in extra curricular opportunities amongst vulnerable children   
Equality Policy.pdf .pdf