This Autumn Term Class 2 will be looking at the fantastic topic; ‘Sensational Safari’, this will include learning all about Africa and safari animals.

As part of our topic experience we shall take a virtual trip to Africa and explore an exciting Safari and ‘The Big Five’.

In English we will be reading animal tales and fables, as well as writing our own animal fact files and lists using exciting facts and key vocabulary we have learnt.

In Science, we shall be sorting and grouping animals according to their characteristics.


This term Class 2 have been doing lots of different activities for the topic ‘’The Secret Garden’’. In Design and Technology, we learned about salads and root vegetables, why they are healthy and where they come from. We tried a variety of root vegetable salads and made our own tuna pasta salad too. In art, we looked at the artist Vincent Van Gough and his painting called ‘Sunflowers’. We had a go at painting our own sunflowers using paint and oil pastels and even painted using forks.

In English, we wrote our own character descriptions of Peter Rabbit and Mr McGregor, wrote instructions to help Peter escape from Mr McGregor and wrote free verse poems about what we would put in our secret garden. In Science, we looked at life cycles of humans and different. We also had a fantastic trip to Belton house. We did a nature hunt looking for mini beasts and different flowers and had lovely walk around the woods. We had lots of fun playing on the playground too. We also took part in a Den Building workshop as part of Camo Day.

This summer term Class 2 we will be looking at the exciting topic; ‘The Secret Garden’. This will include exploring our school location and area in Geography as well as what lives and grows in our gardens during Science. As part of our Art and Design we will look at the artist Van Gogh has his landscape paintings before creating our very own.

In English we will be reading the tales of Peter Rabbit and looking at what is in Mr MacGregor’s garden.

In maths we will be learning how to tell the time, position and direction and what fractions are.



During Spring term in Class 2 we will be looking at the new topic; ‘Land Ahoy!’ We shall be learning what life was like for a pirate and famous sea explorers. As part of our exciting topic we will be; making pirate flags, maps for Captain Long beard, singing sea shanties and having a ‘pirate day’ celebrating everything we have learnt.

In English we will be exploring pirate poetry and describing pirate life from the 18th century. We shall also focus on the book ‘The Pirates Next Door’ by Jonny Duddle, writing newspaper articles and letters.

In the spring term, Class 2’s topic has been Land Ahoy! We have been learning all about pirates and other explorers. In English we looked at the book ‘The Pirates Next Door’.  We wrote a letter to the Local Council to persuade them to either let the pirates stay or to make them go. We also looked the story ‘Pirates love underpants’ and wrote our own version of the story pretending we were the pirate captain. We also took part in World Book Day and children from Class 4 came to read with us.

As part of British Science week the theme is Time. Class 2 have looked at how this links to life cycles and changes in seasons which affect nature and animals. First we investigated animals, their variations and how they adapt to their environment over time. We coloured in a moth design using natural colours and had a look around school where the moth would be able to camouflage and if a predator would be able to spot it. Then we explored the life cycle and metamorphosis of a pond frog looking through all the life stages of a frog before becoming frogspawn again. We then created a poster that fitted in with the theme ‘Time’. We looked at how different seasons changed our environment and the way it looks, how time is measured including seconds, hours, weeks, years and even centuries and drew life cycles of different animals.

For our Design and Technology lessons we looked at the story of Paddy’s Lunchbox and designed and made our own lunchboxes to help solve the problems that they faced. In Art, we experimented with tie dye to make our very own pirate flags. We looked at the different symbols that could be on a flag, cut these out of felt and used running stitch to sew them on.

We also had a very exciting trip to Rand Farm Park. We saw lots of baby animals, bottle fed the lambs, saw the cows being milked and had lots of fun.


Class 2 – Autumn Term


This term Class 2 have been doing lots of different activities for their topic ‘’Street Detectives’’. In Geography we learned about our local area. We went for a walk around camp to look at what is around us, identified the different street signs and road markings and drew a map of everything we saw.  In History, we have looked at The Great Fire of London and learned lots of facts about how it started and what was done to help to put the fire out.

In English, we have looked at a variety of different stories including Town Mouse and Country Mouse, Smartest Giant in Town and The Detective Dog and read some Traditional Tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and The Elves and the Shoemaker. We also wrote some persuasive writing to encourage people to visit Lincoln and even wrote a house advert.

In Art, we looked at the artist L.S Lowry. We studied his famous painting ‘’Coming from the Mill’’ and looked at the colours he used, perspective, different types of buildings and how he drew matchstick figures. We then created our own Lowry pictures. In Design and Technology, we looked at famous landmarks around the world and researched them. We then recreated them using junk.


We hope you enjoy looking at our work and finding out about what we have been doing.

Click here to view the previous Autumn work

Click here to view the previous Spring work

Click here to view the previous Summer work

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