Through Jigsaw PSHE, British Values are threaded throughout all the lessons. British Values are visited and revisited throughout the programme, so that they are fully embedded in the whole school approach rather than being taught as one off lessons.
One of the key aspects of Jigsaw is how we enable and teach children to have respectful discussions on even sensitive subjects in the classroom by providing a safe learning environment and building age appropriate content into the lessons which of course become more complex as children get older, and children are able to build on previous knowledge and skill to develop their ability to listen to other respectfully, debate other people’s views respectfully and consider ways that we can be accepting of those who may be different to ourselves. This is of course a key aspect of teaching children about Mutual Respect as well as tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs as these aspects will at times be part of these discussions.
At Tedder School we promote British Values through the following provision:
Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Respect for Other Faiths
Through Jigsaw PSHE, British Values are threaded throughout all the lessons. British Values are visited and revisited throughout the programme, so that they are fully embedded in the whole school approach rather than being taught as one off lessons.
One of the key aspects of Jigsaw is how we enable and teach children to have respectful discussions on even sensitive subjects in the classroom by providing a safe learning environment and building age appropriate content into the lessons which of course become more complex as children get older, and children are able to build on previous knowledge and skill to develop their ability to listen to other respectfully, debate other people’s views respectfully and consider ways that we can be accepting of those who may be different to ourselves. This is of course a key aspect of teaching children about Mutual Respect as well as tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs as these aspects will at times be part of these discussions.
At Tedder School we promote British Values through the following provision:
Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
Respect for Other Faiths