British Values

Through Jigsaw PSHE, British Values are threaded throughout all the lessons. British Values are visited and revisited throughout the programme, so that they are fully embedded in the whole school approach rather than being taught as one off lessons.


One of the key aspects of Jigsaw is how we enable and teach children to have respectful discussions on even sensitive subjects in the classroom by providing a safe learning environment and building age appropriate content into the lessons which of course become more complex as children get older, and children are able to build on previous knowledge and skill to develop their ability to listen to other respectfully, debate other people’s views respectfully and consider ways that we can be accepting of those who may be different to ourselves. This is of course a key aspect of teaching children about Mutual Respect as well as tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs as these aspects will at times be part of these discussions.


At Tedder School we promote British Values through the following provision:



  • We elect a School Council
  • We give termly pupil questionnaires to give pupils a voice.
  • We elect House Captains
  • We vote for daily activities within the classroom
  • We celebrate democracy i.e. visiting Lincoln Cathedral to receive the Magna Carta
  • We celebrate the armed forces who act within the law to uphold democracy.

Rule of Law

  • We have clear School Rules
  • We have Classroom Charters
  • We operate a policy of choice with consequence, which teaches responsibility.
  • We discuss the concept that English law is sometimes above religious law.
  • We encourage the children to recognise other signs and laws in their communities.

Individual Liberty

  • We celebrate individual responsible choices in classrooms.
  • We encourage children to choose how they would like to present their learning.
  • We give children choices about lunch menus, after school clubs and golden time activities.
  • We give children choices about wet play activities ensuring that there is opportunity for all to enjoy their time.
  • We celebrate children’s achievement in all areas through assemblies.
  • We celebrate with Good as Gold assemblies with a different Smart Focus to value achievement by all.

Mutual Respect

  • We promote the ethos of mutual respect through our core values
  • We encourage good manners and children are to treat others as they would wish to be treated.
  • We support charity events such as Children in Need, Comic Relief and Camo Day to show our support for the community as a whole.
  • We encourage visitors to our school who can broaden the experiences for the children in all areas.
  • We have Playground Buddies who ensure that we operate a policy of tolerance for all.

Respect for Other Faiths

  • We have a balanced approach to RE following the locally agreed syllabus.
  • Children learn about all faiths within that syllabus.
  • We have assemblies which are broadly Christian and also discuss real life issues which the children will experience.
  • We celebrate other religions with themed days and have visitors into school to provide further experiences.